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“走出去”与“请进来”国际学术论坛 International academic forums as ways to “reach out” and to “invite in”
发布时间: 2013-12-02  

2010年起,研究院每年举办两次以上关于“第三极文化”走向世界的国际学术论坛,包括“请进来” 与“走出去”,相关学术成果结集出版为“第三极文化论丛”。

(一)“请进来”:每年十一月最后一个星期五,邀请海内外专家相聚国内,围绕中国文化国际传播展开主题演讲与分论坛讨论,现已连续主办多届。出席的重量级嘉宾来自不同领域、不同学科,达百余位,专家们就中国文化的国际传播主题进行热烈讨论,从历史与未来、经济与文化、政治与文化、东方与西方、中国与世界、传统与当代等不同角度立体地审视文化, 用历史学、哲学、政治学、文学、心理学、艺术学、传播学等跨学科视角全面地解读文化,其中优秀学术论文结集成册,截至目前已出版11册。

(二)“走出去”:自 2012 年以来,陆续赴美国、法国、俄罗斯、英国、瑞典、希腊、意大利、斯洛文尼亚等国,与南加州大学、洛杉矶大学南加州分校、法国巴黎第八大学、俄罗斯研究院远东战略研究所、牛津大学、瑞典乌普萨拉大学、美国夏威夷大学、俄罗斯莫斯科大学、希腊雅典大学、意大利马切拉塔大学、斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学等诸多世界知名大学与研究机构主办多届“走出去”国际论坛。围绕中国文化和中国电影如何有效地进行国际传播,与权威专家进行文化沟通与思想碰撞。海外专家称许,“走出去”论坛是近年来少有的中国学者“豪华阵容”在海外举办的高水平、高规格的中国文化与中国电影学术论坛。


Since 2010, each year, AICCC holds two or more international academic forums on the internationalization of the “Third Pole Culture”, including those by which AICCC “invites” people to China and those by which we “reach out” to the international audience. There are volumes of “Third Pole Culture Series” published for the achievements of these forums.

(I) “Inviting In”: On the last Friday of each November, AICCC invites Chinese and foreign experts to gather in China for keynote speeches and sub-forum discussions on the international communication of Chinese culture. Such international forums whereby experts are “invited into China” have been held successively many times. Over 100 heavyweight attendees from a variety of fields and disciplines engage in heated discussions on themes of international communication of Chinese culture at the forums in appreciation of culture from perspectives of past versus future, economy and culture, politics and culture, east and west, China and the world, and traditions versus contemporariness and comprehensive interpretation of culture from the perspectives of multiple disciplines of history, philosophy, politics, literature, psychology, fine art and communication studies. There are 11 volumes of proceedings published by far.

(II) “Reaching Out” : Since 2012, delegations of renowned Chinese scholars organized by AICCC have visited countries including the USA, France, Russia, the UK, SwedenItaly and Slovenia to host international forums, aiming to “reach out” to the international arena, jointly with well-established universities and research institutions including the University of Southern California, UCLA, Université Paris VIII, Far Eastern Studies of Russian Academy of Science, Oxford University, Uppsala University, University of Macerata and University of Ljubljana. Themes of the dialogues center round the effective ways for Chinese culture and Chinese films to gain greater international communication. As praised by many foreign experts, these “reaching out” forums are of very high standard and level held on Chinese culture and Chinese films supported by the “all-star cast” of Chinese scholars, a rare scene in recent years.


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