研究院创作项目 Creative programs of AICCC |
研究院创作项目多元,包括长篇小说、电影、电视剧、纪录片及 VR 体验项目等。已出版长篇小说《红军家族(前传)》(绍武、会林著),以 80 万字篇幅的宏大革命史诗,向党的十八大献礼。由该小说改编长篇电视剧已于 2018 年 10 月正式投入拍摄。电视纪录片《九天——1979 年邓小平访美》,由北京师范大学和中央新闻纪录电影制片厂联合摄制,被国家新闻出版广电总局评为优秀纪录片,向全国推广。大型全景纪录电影季《VR 中国印》,由中国文化国际传播研究院、五洲传播中心联合发起,率先将 VR 技术引入记录领域,52 期系列节目陆续与观众见面。大型人物传记类纪录片《一带一路文化巡礼》,由中国文化国际传播研究院、中央新闻纪录电影制片厂、中央电视台联合制作,展现“一带一路”灿若星河的大师群像。《唐诗》VR 项目,对唐诗意境进行 VR 化重现,立体、多维展示传统文化魅力。电影剧本《司徒雷登》(田卉群编剧),获得国家广电总局夏衍杯创意电影剧本奖二等奖,电影项目正在策划开发中。
AICCC has a variety of creative projects including novel-writing, film, TV show and documentary productions, VR experience programs, etc. AICCC has published an epic novel of 800, 000 Chinese characters titled Legendary Family of Red Army (the Prequel) (authored by Shao Wu and Huang Huilin). This novel is a tribute to the 18th CPC National Congress, and has been adapted for television and started filming in October, 2018. The TV documentary, Nine Days: Deng Xiaoping’s 1979 Visit to the United States is co-produced by AICCC, Beijing Normal University, and Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio, it won the “Outstanding Documentary Film” title by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) and was promoted nationwide. The panoramic VR documentary film series project, VR Chinese Seal, was jointly initiated by AICCC and China Intercontinental Communication Center (CICC), becoming one of the first documentaries to introduce the VR technology into documentary filmmaking. There will be 52 episodes for the audience. The major biographical documentary project, Cultural Parade along One Belt and One Road will be co-produced by AICCC, Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio, and China Central Television (CCTV) to exhibit the images of the maestros from countries along the “One Belt and One Road”. Another VR project, Tang Poetry, aims to reproduce the profound appeal of Tang Poetry with the VR technology and multi-dimensionally showcase traditional Chinese culture’ s timeless charms. AICCC has also sponsored the screenplay John Leighton Stuart(authored by Tian Huiqun), which won the Second Prize of the "Xia Yan Cup" Screenplay Awards by SAPPRFT and is in development for a film production. |
地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号北京师范大学新主楼1732室 电话:(010)58805680 邮编:100875