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英文学术期刊 English academic journal
发布时间: 2013-06-30  

        2013年6月,研究院和德国Springer科技传媒集团就联合出版英文学术期刊《中国文化国际传播》(International Communication of Chinese Culture)(简称 ICCC)签署了合作协议。该刊是目前国际唯一关于中国文化国际传播的英文学术期刊,由黄会林教授担任主编,编委来自中国、美国、英国、法国、加拿大、德国、澳大利亚、西班牙、南非、新加坡、丹麦、 瑞典、瑞士、比利时、日本、香港、澳门、台湾等 17 个国家和地区,研究院负责编辑工作,2014 年出版两期,2015 年出版三期,2016 年起每年出版四期。2019年1月起,ICCC ESCI收录。

In June 2013, AICCC and the Springer entered a partnership agreement on the joint publishing of the English academic journal, International Communication of Chinese Culture (ICCC). This journal is the only English academic journal about the international communication of Chinese culture circulated internationally. The editor-in-chief of ICCC is Professor Huang Huilin. Editorial board members are from 17 countries and regions of China, U.S.A., the U.K., France, Canada, Germany, Australia, Spain, South Africa, Singapore, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. AICCC undertakes the editorial works. In 2014, two issues were published, followed by three in 2015 and four issues are planned starting from year 2016. Articles published after January 1,2019,will be included in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.




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